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На протяжении 25 лет производим и реализуем пивоваренный ячмень

+7 (4752) 72-88-06

Do you sell malting barley?

The «Vilion» LLC company purchases malting barley with the next quality indicates:

Sort Despina
Color Yellow
Smell Inherent to the normal grain
Condition Healthy, not basking
Moisture, not more than % 14,0
Dry protein content, % 9,5 — 13
Size, % not less 85,0
Small grains, % no more 5,0
Weed admixture, % (no more than) 1,0
Grain admixture, % 2,0 — 5,0
Varietal purity, % ≥ 95
Germination ability, 5 days, % ≥ 95
Pest infestation Absent

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